A look back to Emerging Apparel Modest Brands in Utah


发布: 梅布尔 评论: 4 0

你可能还记得 采购产品遮阳服装,向下,Modbe等. I’ve had the opportunity of assisting each one of these companies and few others in design, 技术设计, 模式, 在某些情况下, I produced most of their production needs overseas.

Shade Clothing grew very fast; when I started doing work for them they were doing business from a small building in American Fork, UT. Chelsey Rippy, the owner, had started the company from ground zero. She always said her “aha” moment came when people started knocking at her door asking for “cap sleeve shirts”. It was then that she decided to start producing her shirts in bigger quantities. Before she knew it, her idea transformed into a successful company and clothing brand.

女人爱上了帽袖衬衫, and they started selling off the shelves like hot cakes. It quickly became that iconic piece of clothing that we just couldn’t live without. From there, I began developing basic shirts for women as the demand for them grew and grew. I started to see my designs in all kinds of places in Utah.

I remember one day at the pool I counted more than eight women wearing swimwear from Shade. That first swim collection we did was amazing! 我们的销售额突飞猛进. The market had been ready for modest swimwear for sure.

后不久, Shade’s shirt designs were seen in variations by other brands as others tried to copy and mimic their success. 其中一家公司是DownEast. I saw many of my own designs duplicated by DownEast – designs that I had created specifically for Shade.

DownEast was founded by 3 brothers in Utah, and I was literally chased down to go to work for them. They knew I had been with Shade for as long as I did. It was a tough decision but I ended up accepting their offer. When I started working there one of the first things I noticed were some Shade shirts hung on a rack at the design studio.

I’ll be honest and say that I give DE some credit since they were able to create the same styles from Shade, 包括“帽套”, 以更好的价格. Though the quality was not the same, of course.

People were drawn to the cheaper prices as well as the fact that DE had a fast turn around every month. 总有新的东西可看. 整体, the good prices and acceptable designs is what has kept DE at the front of any other modest brand for as long as they have.

Before my work at DownEast, Shade had struggled financially due to bad management. The main reason being the overproduction of too many brick and mortar stores in a short time frame. The financial burden was too heavy to support. They dissolved all brick and mortar stores, and sold the company to a group in San Francisco. 几年后,Shade消失了.

与此同时,阴影也在下沉, I received a call from a lady who happened to be the new owner of a well known modest brand I can’t mention.  它是由犹他州的一对夫妇创立的. Their company grew strong and later was sold to a new management that had no experience in apparel companies, but had all the financial stability they needed at that time to grow as big as they did. This was the time when I developed collections for Costco, Nordstrom, Walmart等. We produced in Colombia, India, Honduras, and the United States.

The product demand of this brand was huge and the business did great.

几年后我将其引入市场 梅布尔Montalva, a line of basic designs that I had created, success came my way. Business was strong, and I think that if I decided to produce again, I could do really well.

Some of my designs are the pictures included in this post.

On a side note, I do not in any way condone copying another designer’s work and calling it your own. 如果你在设计行业, are a designer or maybe you’re thinking about starting your own line, I’m certain you’ve been blessed with your own personal creativity and talents. Utilize those to the best of your ability and make your personal designs your very own.


I love to design and develop products that have some sort of it’s own unique functionality or a very particular concept. If you’ve ever thought about developing your own collection and/or product, 我很乐意帮忙. I will walk you through the entire product development process, and my services will include apparel 技术设计, 制模, 样品制作, 并列出, tech packs and all that you need to start your own line. I have extensive fabric knowledge to help you make the best choices for your pieces and I will help you determine if your project fits USA production or overseas production. Go ahead and email me with your project or comment on this post.

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